Sunday, August 26, 2007

The High Price of Being a Brat

Things have finally settled down from a couple of weeks ago.

The excitement all started when Mom invited Cub and Angus and their mom over. They were very nice, but then when we all went out to the backyard, they did the most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen…they got in the swimming pool! And all by themselves! I’ve never seen anything so crazy! Everyone knows water is scary!

Finally we went in the house and I got bored hearing Mom praise those two for their swimming prowess, manners, and sweetness. So, I decided to have a go at Cub to try to rile her up, and that’s when I learned that being a brat can be costly. Not only did I fail to get Cub to act up, I bumped my tooth and it fell out.

This led to a visit to the doctor which, in turn, led to needles and pills. And to top it all off, now I have to have my teeth brushed every night (what’s left of them, that is!)

I just might listen to Mom next time when she tells me to be a good dog and play nice like Cub and Angus.

Friday, August 3, 2007

I love carpet!

I've been sorting through my photo album looking for a good picture of me to post. The problem is that I don't have many, because I hate having my picture taken, just like Mom! I'm not sure why she's so camera shy, but cameras remind me of thunderstorms when they flash, and thunderstorms are about the scariest things in the world!

This is a picture taken at our old house. I loved that house 'cause it had carpet in every room.

Carpet is great for so many things! Among other things:
  • getting traction to run,
  • rolling on to dry yourself,
  • cleaning mud from your paws,
  • wiping crumbs from your face,
  • scooting on when you have an itchy "down there", and
  • being a great substitute for grass when you're too lazy to let your mom know you need to go outside to do your business.

I wonder why Mom put wood floors in our new house?

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Hello World

So, Mom has let me start a blog.

I smile to myself when I say “let”. Little does she know that I’ve been using her computer for a long time when she’s away. How does she think she got on all the email lists? I think it is funny to sign her up for mail-order prescriptions, mortgages, and car loans. Don’t know what all those are, except that one is related to cars. “Car” is one of my favorite words because it means going a ride! So, I figure anything related to a car must be good, right!?

Anyway, apparently one of Mom’s friend’s dogs has a blog, so Mom thought I needed a place to express myself. Honestly, barking and marking my territory express just about everything I want to express, but if it makes her happy, then who am I to deny her?!

But, she better liven things up around here if I’m going to have anything to write about. Watching her sit at the computer day after day doesn’t make for interesting material for my blog. I need inspiration! Visitors, treats, rides, walks, new squeakies! Is that too much to ask for?!